Friday, June 29, 2018

We leave Monday!

Good morning! With four days to go until wheels up, our team is packing, planning, and preparing for our 2 week trip to Kenya.

The vision for this trip started when the Many family (Heath, Angela, Rees, and Mary Taylor) came back to Knoxville for a year in 2017. Conversations started and God opened opportunities for there to be a partnership between the Many family, currently serving as medical missionaries in Tenwek, and CAK.

CAK's motto is "Servants, Scholars, Disciples." We believe this trip capitalizes on these values with many opportunities to serve, learn, and grow in various capacities.

Students will have the chance to shadow at the main hospital in Tenwek, observe rounds and surgeries, and visit the pediatric ward. Several students going this year are interested in careers in the medical field. In addition to the hospital, we will visit an urban ministry called the Least of These in Nairobi and the team will put on a VBS program for the children in the home there.
The team was able to provide two mud huts through a women's ministry in Tenwek and will get to participate in the "mudding" of the hut while we are there! That is sure to be a first for all of us!
We will also visit a school nearby that CAK sixth graders raised money for to provide clean water through an organization called H20 for life. The sixth graders did a water walk to raise the funds and were able to help provide a new gutter system, filters, and new girls' latrines.

There are other people serving in the Tenwek community in a variety of fields through Community Health that the team will get to meet and learn from while we are there. It is our goal to provide exposure to these different ways that God is at work through the gifts of His people. 1 Corinthians 12 details the different gifts that God has given the body of Christ, and how they all work together for the good of the body. The students going this year will get to see how their gifts, talents, and career goals can be used for the kingdom and service to others!

Dr. Paul Brady and Melissa Davenport are heading up the trip this year. Dr. Brady will be serving at the hospital and bringing his skills in the operating room. Melissa has served in missions in 6 countries and currently teaches 6th grade at CAK Middle. There are 4 rising seniors and 2 college students going on the trip this year: Davis Brady, Annie Cole, Lexi Grubbs, Molly Grubb, Jackson Scott, and Olivia Scott.

For more information on the Many family and their mission in Kenya, please visit their blog:

We will depart from Atlanta airport Monday July 2 and return July 16. We would covet your prayers for our team and the people we will be working with and serving! Thank you!

Love, Melissa